Fees & FAQs

“Therapy is your pathway to harnessing your inner strengths and unlocking your full potential—invest in yourself, because you’re worth it.”


FREE Consultation for Therapy Services:
This time is for discussing top-line therapy goals and asking general questions about scheduling and fees.

  • Individual Therapy Services: Free 15-minute consultation.
  • Family and Couples Therapy Services: Free 20-minute consultation.

Individual, Couple & Family Therapy Initial Assessment Session: $300
This first initial session is to assess our therapeutic fit, discuss the process of therapy, clarify your presenting concerns, and identify initial treatment goals.

  • 60-minute session for individuals, couples, and families is $300
    • For Individual Therapy initial assessment sessions, please plan for 3-4 weekly sessions to complete the assessment process. This allows us to thoroughly understand your needs and tailor our approach to best support your personal growth.
    • For couples therapy initial assessment sessions, please plan for one joint session with the couple and at least one individual session with each partner. This comprehensive approach ensures that both joint dynamics and individual concerns are addressed effectively.
    • For family therapy initial assessment sessions, please plan for one joint session with the family and at least one individual session with each family member/subunit. This setup allows us to understand the collective family dynamics as well as the unique perspectives of each member.

Individual, Couple & Family Therapy Follow-Up Sessions: $250
Follow-up sessions are 50 minutes long and apply to appointments scheduled after completing the initial assessment session(s).

  • 50-minute session for individuals, couples, and families is $250
  • Longer and more intensive sessions are available at a prorated rate as needed.
I am not currently accepting new sliding scale service clients.
I am happy to provide resources and referrals if you need referrals for low-fee/sliding scale services.

Payment Policy

Payment is due at the time of service. Credit cards and debit cards are accepted.

​Cancellation Policy
Time is our most valuable asset. Your time is specially reserved for you. Therefore, if you need to cancel or reschedule, please inform me at least 48-business hours* before your scheduled appointment.

* My business hours are Monday – Thursday. I do not conduct sessions on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, or Federal holidays. Therefore, if you need to cancel or reschedule a Monday or Tuesday appointment, please let me know by the Thursday prior.

Late Appointment Cancellation Policy
If you are more than 15 minutes late to your appointment, your session will be automatically counted as a late cancellation, and you will be charged for the session fee. An email will be sent to you at the time of cancellation for rescheduling.

I do not accept insurance payments.
I am not paneled with any insurance or EAP company, so I am an out-of-network provider to all.
Therefore, my clients pay for sessions out of pocket at the time of treatment.

Superbills/Insurance Reimbursement Options (Individual clients only)
Upon request, I offer a superbill/ insurance reimbursement statement to individual therapy clients who wish to seek reimbursement from their insurance companies for eligible services.

Please note that superbills/insurance reimbursement statements are NOT available for couples counseling. Insurance typically covers couples counseling only when it is deemed medically necessary, and often requires that one partner be diagnosed with a mental health condition. However, relationship challenges are co-created and significantly impact both partners. In my practice, I view the relationship itself as the client, rather than any individual within the unit. This approach avoids placing undue blame or responsibility on one partner, fostering a more balanced and supportive therapeutic environment. Consequently, I do not provide documentation for out-of-network reimbursement for couples counseling. Financial considerations are important, and I understand. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Reimbursement Process:
For individual therapy clients that plan to get reimbursement from their insurance companies, please follow these steps:

1- Call your insurance company to see whether you have out-of-network coverage for the specific counseling services you are seeking. If they require a diagnosis code, please feel free to contact me to discuss possible diagnosis codes and billing codes for individual therapy. If you have out-of-network coverage, go to step 2.

2- Ask your insurance company these questions:

  • Do you need to meet any deductible before they start reimbursing you? If you do, how much is it?
  • How much percentage will they reimburse you?
  • How long does it take for them to reimburse you?

3- You can file the reimbursement document on your own or check out the app Reimbursify, which is designed to simplify all of your out-of-network claims. (Disclaimer: Relationship Works has no affiliation with Reimbursity – please use it at your discretion and own risk.)

No Surprise Act & Good Faith Estimate
Under Section 2799B-6 of the Public Health Service Act, healthcare providers and healthcare facilities are required to inform individuals who are not enrolled in a plan or coverage or a Federal healthcare program or not seeking to file a claim with their plan or coverage both orally and in writing of their ability, upon request or at the time of scheduling health care items and services, to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” of expected charges.

  • You have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your medical care will cost.
  • Under the law, healthcare providers need to give patients who don’t have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the bill for medical items and services.
  • You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency items or services. This includes related costs like medical tests, prescription drugs, equipment, and hospital fees.
  • Make sure your healthcare provider gives you a Good Faith Estimate in writing at least 1 business day before your medical service or item. You can also ask your health care provider, and any other provider you choose, for a Good Faith Estimate before you schedule an item or service.
  • If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you can dispute the bill.
  • Make sure to save a copy or picture of your Good Faith Estimate.
  • For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit www.cms.gov/nosurprises.


Q: How does teletherapy/virtual therapy work?
  • Video session is conducted via a HIPAA compliant Telehealth platform
  • Client’s profile is set up via SimplePractice’s secure client portal (HIPAA Compliant)
Q: What does the therapy process looks like?

 I am committed to ensuring that your time and financial investment in therapy is well spent and truly beneficial. Sessions are held weekly, which is crucial for maintaining continuity and effectiveness in therapy. The therapy process is adapted to meet the specific needs of individuals, couples, and families, ensuring effective outcomes for all clients: 

  • Individual Therapy:
    • First Session: Conduct an initial assessment to understand presenting issues.
    • Second to Fourth Sessions: Continue comprehensive assessment and develop a treatment plan to clarify your goals and guide our therapy work.
    • Fifth Session and Beyond: Collaborate on and take small steps towards achieving your desired outcomes; reassess and modify the treatment plan as needed.
  • Couples Therapy:
    • Initial Joint Session: Conduct an initial assessment with both partners together.
    • Subsequent Individual Sessions: At least one individual session with each partner to address personal concerns and dynamics not explored in joint sessions.
    • Ongoing: Continue with joint sessions to work on shared goals. Individual sessions will be arranged when deemed clinically necessary, reassessing and adjusting the approach as necessary to foster a healthy relationship.
  • Family Therapy:
    • Initial Joint Session: Begin with a joint session involving all family members to understand the collective dynamics.
    • Individual Sessions: Conduct sessions with individual family members or subunits to address personal perspectives and issues.
    • Ongoing: Regular family sessions to work towards collective and individual goals. Individual or family subunit sessions will be arranged when deemed clinically necessary, continuously adapting the treatment plan to meet evolving needs.
Q: Why do we need to meet weekly? Can we meet less frequently?

It’s natural to wonder about the ideal session frequency. Think of therapy like building a stronger, more resilient house:

  • Imagine your current struggles are like small fires constantly breaking out. If we meet infrequently, we’re always in crisis mode, simply reacting to those fires. This can make it feel like we’re taking one step forward and two steps back.
  • Weekly sessions give us time to not only extinguish those ‘fires’ but also work on the underlying causes. This is how we rebuild and reinforce your foundation for lasting change.
  • Our goal isn’t to have you in therapy forever! Once your ‘house’ feels stable, we can discuss decreasing session frequency as a gradual transition before you “graduate” from therapy.

Benefits of Consistent Sessions:

  • Gain Momentum: Steady progress is easier to achieve with weekly check-ins.
  • Deeper Exploration: We have the space to address the root of current problems, not just surface-level symptoms.
  • Skill-Building: You’ll learn and practice new coping mechanisms with enough time to see them work in your daily life.

I’m committed to helping you reach your goals efficiently. Weekly therapy gives us the best chance to create lasting change.

Q: If I understand what needs to change, does that mean I don't need therapy anymore?

A: Not necessarily. Think of it like this:

  • Learning the Theory: It’s one thing to understand the steps needed to build a house… but actually constructing it is a whole different process! You might need tools, practice, and support to make it a reality.
  • From Knowledge to Action: Therapy helps you bridge the gap between knowing what to do and actually doing it consistently in your daily life. This is where you build those “tools” and get the hands-on practice.
  • Building Emotional Muscle: Even when your thinking changes, old habits and emotional responses can linger.Therapy offers a safe space to process past experiences, learn new ways of reacting, and gain the support you need to create lasting change.
  • Deeper Healing: Sometimes, even when we understand the “why” behind our struggles, there may be deeper emotional wounds that need tending to. Therapy can help you uncover and heal those parts of yourself for true long-term well-being.

Remember, sustainable change happens when your mind and your emotions are aligned. I’m here to guide you through the entire process, even when the path gets a bit bumpy.

Q: Who counts as a "couple"?

A: My approach to couples therapy is inclusive. Whether your relationship involves two people, multiple partners, or any other dynamic, you are welcome here.

Here’s why this matters:

  • Focus on the Relationship: Regardless of specific labels, any committed partnership can experience challenges with communication, intimacy, conflict, etc. My focus is on helping you build a stronger, healthier relationship, whatever that looks like for you..
  • Personalized Care: I adapt my approach to fit your unique relationship structure and goals. My priority is creating a safe, inclusive and non-judgmental space to explore your dynamics.
  • Challenging Norms: I recognize that societal expectations can put additional pressure on relationships that don’t fit traditional norms. My work is about empowering couples to build connections on their own terms.
Q: Why do you do not work with insurance and/or EAP companies?

A: I understand that navigating healthcare costs can be stressful. Here’s why I’ve chosen the private pay model, and how it directly benefits you:

  • Protecting Your Privacy: Insurance companies often demand detailed session notes and progress reports, compromising your right to confidentiality. Therapy should be a safe space where you can share freely, without fear of your personal information being scrutinized by external parties.
  • Personalized Care: Insurance often requires a mental health diagnosis to justify coverage, even if it doesn’t fully capture the complexity of your experiences. This can limit our ability to address the root causes of your struggles. Private pay allows for greater flexibility and individualized treatment without arbitrary labels.
  • Time Focused on You: Battling with insurance companies over claims is a major time drain. Opting out of insurance frees me from that administrative burden, allowing me to fully devote that time and energy to providing the best possible care to my clients.
  • Control Over Your Healing: Insurance companies often dictate the length and frequency of sessions, potentially interfering with your progress. With private pay, we collaborate to create a treatment plan that truly meets your needs, without artificial limitations imposed by a third party.
  • Therapist Autonomy: Insurance reimbursement rates are often low, and payment delays are common. This can compromise a therapist’s ability to sustain their practice and can result in long waitlists or reduced availability. The private pay model allows me to prioritize providing quality services over the constant struggle with insurance companies.


My mission is to offer exceptional mental healthcare in an environment of trust and collaboration. The private pay model allows me to fully realize this vision, ensuring you receive the highest quality services to reach your full potential.

Q: I'm stressed at work, because I worry about my job performance and job security. Would you be able to help by writing a letter to my company so I could take some time off?

A: I understand that work stress can be overwhelming, and I want to support you in finding the best options for your situation. Here’s what you need to know about requesting a therapy letter:

  • Purpose of a Therapy Letter: A therapy letter isn’t a guarantee of time off. It’s a document outlining your current mental health needs and explaining how your condition might be impacting your work performance. Whether this qualifies you for leave depends on your company’s policies and potentially other legal factors, such as the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
  • Establishing a Therapeutic Relationship: For me to ethically write a letter, we’ll need to have worked together for a significant period (often at least 6 months). This ensures I have a thorough understanding of your struggles and can confidently advocate for your needs.
  • Treatment Focus: Weekly sessions during this time should focus on more than just assessment. We’ll work on developing coping skills and strategies to manage your work-related anxiety in a sustainable way.
  • Alternatives for Immediate Support: If you need more immediate assistance, here are some resources:
    • Your Primary Care Provider: They can assess whether a medical leave is appropriate and potentially write a recommendation.
    • Employee Assistance Program (EAP): Many companies offer short-term counseling and support through an EAP.
    • Crisis Resources: If you’re experiencing a mental health crisis, call 988.

Remember, your mental health is important. I’m committed to working with you towards greater well-being, both in and out of the workplace.